Object ID 001556
Object Name Coil, frame and arm
Object Desc vertical suspension frame, horizontal suspension arm and galvanometer coil for Orleans-St. Pierre siphon recorder. See notes!
Collection French Cable Station Museum
Accession # I.04.094
Alternate ID
General Category History
Category Part
Source Category Purchase
Accession Date DEC 30,1971
Location Testing room
Object Date
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status In Collection
Object Keywords
Date SEP 21,2022
Notes This suspension arm was used to repair the "Duxbury" siphon recorder (I.03.079). The original galvanometer coil was removed and given a new suspension of upholstery thread and placed in a box with another coil (I.03.051) . One of the two coils in that box was then used on this suspension arm which was installed in the Duxbury recorder. The Duxbury recorder is to be used for a demonstartion in the museum tour.