Museum History
The Museum's collection contains many artifacts hidden in various closets and drawers throughout the building, which are not seen during our regular tours. You can see many of them here.
Artifact Archive
Trip AdvisorNational Seashore French Cable History
LUXX Cape Cod Museum Trail
Youtube French Cable Station Museum Public Service Announcement
Youtube French Cable Station Museum Brief History
Cape Cod Times Article 2010
Youtube History Detectives
Cape Cod Times feature article in 1999
History of the Atlantic Cable The French Cable Station Museum
Museum History U-Boat Attack July 21, 1918
On July 21 of 1918, a U-156 submarine surfaced about three miles off of Nauset Beach and shelled
the tugboat Perth Amboy and its four barges in tow. The barges were sunk, the tug badly damaged,
and two were injured.
Learn more about the event.
Visit the website Lower Cape TV Video
Visit the website Historic Orleans
Milestone Award
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers the IEEEHas presented a major award to the museum
for the 3174 mile cable laid from Brest France to Orleans MA
Go to article
Milestone Article
Museum History
This station when it was in operation was the American termination point for a telegraph cable that came directly to Orleans from France. It was called "Le Direct" the direct cable. It was installed in 1898 and was almost 3200 miles long.

Brest France to Orleans MA
3174 Miles
The first French Cable was installed in 1869 and landed in Duxbury Ma. It had been routed through St Pierre Island near Newfoundland. Duxbury was a very busy shipping area and not suitable as a place for submarine cable. A lot of damage occurred from fishing and shipping operations.
A new French Cable was laid in 1879 to North Eastham at Nauset Light and a two story station was built there. North Eastham was an isolated area and difficult to reach in bad weather. The current building in Orleans was built in 1891. The equipment and men were moved to the new building in the same year.

Orleans Cable Station under construction in 1891
It remained in operation until 1959 except for a few years (1940 to 1952) during WWII when it was closed for security reasons.
The station was purchased in 1972 from France by a committee of 10 prominent Orleans citizens who raised the money and guaranteed a loan with their own personal assets. They then proceeded to raise money and eliminated the debt. It was opened to the public in July 1972.
Here is an early documentary by Matt Jenkins of Cameron University.
It includes interviews with early museum personnel.
Le Direct documentary.
The Vintage Radio and Communication Museum of CT.
Located in Windsor, Connecticut,this musem offers a fascinating
and educational look back in time (and technology).
Take a walk through history from Morse Code transmitters to
radio & television to personal computers, and everything in between.
Visit Communication History Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of CT.